An in-depth chart-driven look at the US Stockmarket featuring historical perspectives on price, fundamentals, valuations, styles, sectors, global, asset allocation + market curiosities...
I took some time off Callum. I really look forward to this and your work every week. Your info helps me get to take some time off. Helps me understand my research. This is the first year I have outperformed the s and p and other benchmarks. So, it’s really impacted my life and my ability to manage risk. It’s very rewarding for me and I hope you have that joy in your work. I know it’s tough. You have a great system.
This report is great. Thank you very much.
Thanks John, I appreciate the appreciation :-)
Superb perspective, thanks
cheers! I appreciate the appreciation :-)
Wow… 😮 (after opening) this is gonna take more than the morning. Much appreciated info/charts. 🙏
lol, yep, a lot to ponder and reflect on..
I took some time off Callum. I really look forward to this and your work every week. Your info helps me get to take some time off. Helps me understand my research. This is the first year I have outperformed the s and p and other benchmarks. So, it’s really impacted my life and my ability to manage risk. It’s very rewarding for me and I hope you have that joy in your work. I know it’s tough. You have a great system.
Thanks Zach, important to take time off. Yes indeed, I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it :-)
Great report. Amazing read. Thanks for sharing, Callum.
cheers! my pleasure :-)